Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Oh Easter Chocolate...

I am craving SUGAR, SUGAR, SUGAR right now! I think it must be all that lovely Easter chocolate that I have partaken in recently. My husband did such a great thing by getting me chocolate that is individually wrapped, but I can't eat just one lol! I have been pinning all these low-sugar/healthy recipes on Pinterest, and I think it is time that I made one of them so I can use that to satisfy my sweet tooth! Anyone else struggle with a sweet tooth and have any good recipes to share? Next step: solve the problem of how I am going to "get rid" of all that chocolate temptation! What to do...what to do...

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I have a TERRIBLE sweet tooth. One thing I started doing this year was anytime I want something sweet I have a piece of fruit instead. Fresh or dried. I love love love dried fruit, it's like candy! (Which you have to be a bit careful about because it definitely contains sugar still, but at least it's a natural sugar that our bodies process better.) I heard on Dr. Oz (don't really like the show but it was on haha) to have a small bowl of raisins and a small glass of milk for dessert. Satisfies a sugar craving, AND the fibre is good for you. The glass of milk helps you sleep better. I don't know if that's the reason but I've lost 12 lbs since January, so something had to have worked! :)