Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mid-week Report Card

Well, if I had to give myself a grade on the week so far I would give myself a B. I have been eating really healthy, getting all my veggies and water in! I am making wise cooking choices, and am resisting the urge to snack afterschool and at night. I started a new knitting project, which has been helpful as well! On the other hand, I have been pretty awful at journalling this week. I did it Saturday, and haven't done it until today again! I have been counting the points in my head, but it is never the same because you too easily miss things when you do it in your head. I have also only exercised once this week, and I really wanted to do something at least twice this week...I guess that means that I will have to do something Thursday or Friday :) I am really looking forward to another great weight LOSS this week, and I would love to lose 2lbs or more so I can get my first "bravo", I am such a dork!

On a different note, I was at youth tonight and some of the girls asked if they could pray that I would get pregnant! They don't know my situation at all, but I was pretty touched that they asked me if they could. It worked for one of the other youth leaders so, you never know :P

Saturday, October 15, 2011

What a good day, and it's only 10am!

I am already having a great day and it's only 10am! I went to Weight Watchers this morning and I lost 3 lbs exactly! I was definitely not expecting that at all! I bought a bunch of Weight Watcher snacks at the meeting, learned some useful tips and was feeling SO GOOD that I got home and immediately went for a run/walk! I am now going to "splurge" and have squirrly bread with cheese whiz, YUM!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Knitting: The Dieting Miracle?

It's not really news that I am trying to lose weight. Really this is something that I have been "trying" to do my entire late teen/adult life. This time it is connected to something bigger, having a baby, so I am trying to be really serious about it! In light of this, I joined Weight Watchers last week. I have had some moderate success on my own the last year, but I feel like I need the accountability of a program. I have my first weigh-in tomorrow morning and I am not optimistic for huge numbers, although I am sure that I did lose weight. Mental Note: Don't start Weight Watchers on the week of Thanksgiving :)

It is amazing to me how much my thinking has changed even in this past week. I have always been concerned with eating healthy meals, but this week I was so much more aware of what I was choosing to eat. For instance, tonight Sam and I wandered around the grocery store for 45 minutes just to figure out what to eat...everything we wanted turned out to be high in points. Surprisingly we ended up with a pasta-veggie-alfredo toss for only 9 points!! It was delicious and I feel like I ate a gigantic meal!!

I have also been trying to think of ways that I can curb my late-night eating. If there is one thing that I love, and crave, it is eating something sweet at the end of the night. I know all the research says that eating after dinner is awful for weight loss and for digestion, but I have such a sweet tooth!! Anyways, I was driving home from work today and all of a sudden it hit me: when I have a knitting project on the go, my hands are busy, I don't think about snacking, and I don't eat the extra points! I LOVE knitting and I LOVE that it helps me stop snacking! It is my dieting miracle!! I have three new projects in mind already: a blanket for my niece (her request lol, and how could I resist?), a cowl for myself, and a Christmas present that I won't share just in case the person is reading this! I hope that this will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship between my shrinking body and my knitting needles :)

Cheers to weight loss and knitting!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Tonight I got some information from a friend about a fertility drug that her sister used to get pregnant. It is called Femara. I immediately researched it and have found conflicting reports (like anything). Almost every woman with PCOS that commented in chatrooms or in threads got pregnant on the first try. This is, of course, tempting to just jump on the bandwagon, however there has been some studies saying that it can cause birth defects if it happens to stay in your system when the egg is fertilized. I have tried Clomid before and there are many risks with it, and much more side effects...but I guess I am little nervous about taking something new.

I am hopefully going for my "dye" test (to see if there are any blockages) next week, and Sam is going for a test as well...then I have a doctor's appointment at the end of October. I am going to talk to him about this new drug, and perhaps it will be a new part of our journey to get pregnant :)

Lately, I have been trying not to focus on the getting-a-baby-thing and I have been doing a pretty good job of it. I have joined Weight Watchers, and am hoping to lose 20 or 25lbs by Christmas. I am on a journey and that is what I have been focusing on...BUT holidays are always difficult and I found it hard to be "thankful" for our lack of children and my families' uncanny ability to get pregnant. I got through it though, and am hoping that more answers and some new treatments will begin to happen in the next month!