Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Rant of the Month...

Melody's List of Things to be Done by March 23

1. Finish History Unit Plan
2. Finish Heritage Unit Plan
3. Finish Math Unit Plan
4. Start P.E. Unit Plan
5. Finish Art Unit Plan
6. Complete 2 entries for E-Portfolio
7. Meet with my Advisor
8. Begin the Long Practicum

Most of these things don't have any meaning to anyone out there, but it makes me feel better that I have written them down. Each of these things are important to my practicum, but they are only part of what I need to do! This program (UBC Bachelor of Education) seems to be one big test: How far can we push the future teacher's so that they either crash-and-burn or push through?? Although I am trying to not let anything get me down too much because teaching is my passion, I do feel like I have so much busy work and no time to have a life! And this to-do list is only for the first half of my practicum! I just have to keep telling myself that it is only 142 days until I am done school forever and certified as a teacher, I cannot wait!!

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