Friday, August 21, 2009


Last night I went to see the Time Traveller's Wife, and it was a beautiful love story! I basically cried for the last 40 minutes of the movie, but it was so touching. It joins the ranks of other really romantic and sad movies like PS I Love You and the Notebook!

Sam and I are embarking on Day 5 of our challenge. Unfortuanately for me, Sam has been taken out 3 times this week!!!! We agreed that if other people take us out it is fine to eat out, now I am hating that we made that exception. At the movies last night I got creative and brought my own popped popcorn, can of pop and homemade peanut butter cookies. It was a great little snack and I even turned down frozen yogurt, my favourite!! So far I haven't found it too difficult but today I woke up craving a big Starbucks coffee and one of their amazing breakfast sandwiches!

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