Thursday, September 20, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

So this semester I have decided that I am going to try and be "Super Melody" and do absolutely everything! I am taking 6 upper level courses, which to date are requiring me to write 8 essays. I am also leading a lifegroup for a bunch of youth girls, and being a friday night youth leader. I have agreed to be come our church's Ministry Team Leader for grade 2-4 and teach throughout the semester. This is all other than my part time job, which takes up 20 hours of my week! I have to say that with all this busyness I have had no time to clean the house or do laundry! Thankfully my wonderful husband has been an amazing help with doing the dishes and working at the housework, I couldn't appreciate that more! This afternoon is the first time in almost two weeks that I have had more than an hour at home that wasn't after 10pm, I am planning to get a lot accomplished! I am going to finish the laundry, clean the bathroom, begin my essay, make a fabulous dinner (Pasta Shells stuffed with Ground Turkey and Cheese) and watch the season premiere of Survivor China. What's the expression: "With great plans, comes great success"? I hope that is true of the ambitious semester I have set out for myself. Wish me luck!