Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A little less complaining, and a little more positivity!

If you read my blog, which I'm sure not many do, you know that I have recently become a teacher. However, I am a teacher without a classroom! There have been so many government cuts and subsequent layoffs that there is no room for new teachers like me. In the past few months I have expanded my tutoring and it is filling my weeks now! I just got another job with a tutoring company who finds my students for me, which is really nice! I am enjoying my current situation, and lately I have been trying to see the positives to tutoring over teaching. I get to have mornings at home, which I really enjoy. I have been in school since I was 5 years old, and I never took a break, so having mornings off has been lovely. I also enjoy the fact that I have time for more of the activities that I love, like knitting, scrapbooking, exercising (well, I'm getting there), and cooking. So, I guess the point of this blog is to do the opposite of complaining, which I do frequently. I am blessed that I have work that pays me well, and I know that teaching is something that I am called to do and therefore, it will happen one of these days!

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Year 2009...

Borrowed from Laura!

What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before?
Teach my wonderful Grade 3 students on Practicum!

Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for this year?
Well, almost every year of my life I make the resolution to lose weight and get healthy. Last year I would say that I did not keep that one, but I have made some good strides this year already!

Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes, lots! Katie, Kim, Liz, Niki, Lindsey, Linda, Megan

Did anyone close to you die?
No, thank goodness!

What countries did you visit?
The USA, pretty boring.

What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
A baby. It has been really hard as so many of my friends and family are having babies or are pregnant, as I desire a baby so much!!! I know that this will happen in God's timing, but I do really hope that it will be soon!

What dates from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
March 21-22 - A wonderful weekend away with my man.
April 20 - The first day of my full-time teaching practicum.
July 31 - The day that I was finally, finally, FINALLY, done school and my Bachelor of Education! I BECAME A TEACHER!

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
The dream that I had since I was a little girl finally came true. It took a lot of hard work and a lot of time, but it was worth it because I am a teacher!

What was your biggest failure?
It probably involves my struggle with being self-disciplined, in many areas of my life. This is something that I need to be so much better at.

Did you suffer any illness or injury?
Well I had a lot of little colds and flus, which was annyoying, but nothing major.

What was the best thing you bought?
This is sad, but a Wii! Sam and I have wanted one for so long and now we have one. I love that it encourages us not to spend the night on the couch, rather we are up and moving!

Whose behaviour merited celebration?
My wonderful husband. He was so understanding as I went through the busiest year of my life and I couldn't have done it without him. He is so loving, supportive and has this way of making me feel so beautiful and special. Love you babe!

Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
I like to forgive and forget.

Where did most of your money go?

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Becoming a teacher!!!!

What song will always remind you of 2009?
"I Gotta Feelin'" By The Black Eyed Peas (Sam and I had some fun dance parties!)

Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder (b) thinner or fatter (c) richer or poorer?
I’m (a) mixture of both because I am so happy that I am done school and ready to start my life, but the lack of jobs has been depressing.
(b) the same
(c) minimally richer

What do you wish you’d done more of?
Reading my bible, exercising, spending time with friends, scrapbooking and travelling.

What do you wish you’d done less of?
Worrying, doubting and procrastinating.

How did you spend Christmas?
This year we had three christmases, which was new. One with Sam's family, one with just Sam and I, and one with my family. We were so blessed!

Did you fall in love in 2009?
I fell in love again and again with my husband.

What was your favourite TV program?
Well I just finished watching all the seasons of One Tree Hill and I love it so much! I also love Survivor, The Bachelor, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, The Good Wife, How I Met Your Mother and CSI: New York.

Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
I don't hate people.

What was the best book you read?
The best book I read was "The Book of Negroes", it was distrubing and uplifting all at the same time. As for a book that isn't so heavy, I really loved "The Fountain Creek Chronicles" and anything by Karen Kingsbury.

What was your greatest musical discovery?
Gloriana, a really great country group!

What did you want and get?
A teaching degree, time to relax and rejuvinate and many new friends!

What did you want and not get?
A baby.

What was your favourite film of this year?
This is really hard to say. I really loved "The Time Traveller's Wife", "Paschendale", "He's Just Not That Into You" and "Changeling"

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 24 and my husband made me a birthday surprise that was based on my favourite movies. Each movie represented something that we were going to do that day!

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Losing weight, having a baby, and getting out of debt. Big feats that I going to work on this year!!!

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?
Well I have a lot more sweater vests and collared shirts due to being a teacher. Nothing much changed besides that!

What kept you sane?
Coming home everyday to my husband who is my best friend and who keeps me grounded!

What celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I agree with Laura, I will also swoon a little over Jake from the Bachelor.

What political issue stirred you the most?
The representation of women in politics. I do not like the double standards that were so evident in the American election.

Who did you miss?
My friends, both old and new!

Who was the best new person you met?
The best people I met were Nat and Rosanna. I love those girls and all the laughs that we had!

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009.
God is so faithful and merciful in my life!!

So I blinked and realized that almost 6 months had gone by!

So...I haven't blogged in a really long time, but I do want to try and do so much more this year! I have to say that in the past few months, nothing major has really happened, which is good and bad. I have so enjoyed my mornings at home and the luxury that it is! I also wish that I could be out teaching and making a difference in students' lives, but as I have said before...God is teaching me patience. Other than that, Sam and I have been doing well. My wonderful husband who works so hard for our family got a new job and is really enjoying it. He is still not doing what he is called to do, but it is something that he can do now and still love. In light of the fact that Sam and I are both not in our careers right now, I have been reminded of the verses that we pledged and promised would be at the center of our marriage:

Romans 12:9-13
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

There is so much truth packed into just a few lines and this year I want to commit to remembering these verses a lot more!

Some exciting family news is that my Sister-in-Law and Brother-in Law are expecting their second child really soon! I am so happy for them and I cannot believe that is a few short weeks they are going to be a family of four! I hope that in the near future we can give some cousins for my niece and future nephew to play with!